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time expansion中文是什么意思

用"time expansion"造句"time expansion"怎么读"time expansion" in a sentence


  • 时间扩展


  • In the following , the architecture of corba is described , including object request broker , interface definition language , language mapping , stub and skeleton , dynamic invocation , interface repository and implementation repository , object adaptor and interoperability of orb , etc . based on the architecture of corba , the real - time expansion of corba and the omg ' s real - time corba specification are discussed
    论文接着研究了omg的corba规范, corba的关键组成部分,包括: orb核心、 omg界面定义语言、语言映射、存根和框架、动态调用、界面仓库和实现仓库、对象适配器以及orb之间的互操作协议。在此基础上,我们探讨了对corba的实时扩展,并研究了omg的实时corba规范。
用"time expansion"造句  
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